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After a month-long absence, SWL is back with a renewed newsletter: mobile-friendly and with the possibility of choosing between English or Spanish. We haven’t been totally idle in August: news broke about Xavier Ausàs leaving Vega Sicilia so we rushed to interview him; Cruz Liljegren, lucky him, attended a great tasting of old sherries from the 1940s organized by Taberna der Guerrita in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Jerez). Yolanda Ortiz de Arri also visited the region. She ate and drank wonderfully at Taberna Mayeto and managed to visit a few wineries, including Hidalgo La Gitana, before compiling our monthly agenda with the best tastings and wine events in Spain.
This month the focus shifts from Jerez to Rioja. On the 18th and 19th, Haro will hold La Cata del Barrio de la Estación, an ambitious event organized by what is arguably the highest concentration of centuries-old wineries in the world. As a taster, we have written about Cvne, where “wine is much more than just a bottle”, according to CEO Víctor Urrutia. Under such a wave of nostalgia, it was inevitable to feature Viña Tondonia 1970 as our wine of the week. I was lucky enough to taste it with María José López de Heredia on my last visit to her winery. Is there a better way to leave behind the post-summer blues?
Amaya Cervera
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Spanish Wine Lover · Madrid · Madrid, Spain